Old Town Church is a new church with an old message. We proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. In fact, everything we do is shaped by the gospel, which is the good news of what God has accomplished in the person of his Son – His perfect life, sacrificial death, and victorious resurrection – to secure forgiveness of sins and fullness of life for all who will repent of their sin and believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior.


Old Town Church exists to make disciples for the glory of God.


Know the Gospel

We connect with God together through the Word and prayer.

Experience Biblical Community

We connect with one another through fellowship and care.

Live on Mission

We connect with outsiders through hospitality, service, and evangelism.


We help one another know and follow Jesus by the power of God, through the Word of God and the people of God. 

The Power of God

We depend on the Holy Spirit to lead and equip us in all areas of ministry, from teaching to serving within our church to serving within our community and abroad. We believe we can do nothing apart from the power of God.  

The Word of God

All the teaching in every OTC environment, from the youngest kids’ classroom to our corporate worship service, is gospel-centered and Biblically rooted. We believe the Bible is one unified story that points to a glorious God and His plan to rescue and redeem His sinful, broken people by sending us His Son Jesus Christ. God’s Word teaches us who God is, what He has done to save us, what His plan is for our lives, and how He calls us to live as disciples. We believe knowledge of the Word of God is foundational to an active, growing personal relationship with God. 

The People of God

We believe God created us to be in biblical community with one another. God uses us in each other’s lives to make us more like Him. We are people committed to practicing the biblical “one anothers” in each other’s lives. We desire that biblical community is the essence of all of our interactions with one another – in corporate worship services, small groups, discipleship classes, or just cups of coffee with friends!